Awakenings Gathering Pre-Con with V3

STARTING MISSIONAL CHURCHES FROM SCRATCH New passion is bubbling up around the world to birth new faith communities that take the neighborhood seriously. There is a growing groundswell of leaders discovering the abundant possibilities of organizing tight-knit communities, that commit to life-forming discipleship, that stay rooted in a particular local place. But where to begin? The typical attractional, personality-concentric strategies …

Become More Attached to Your Place

[The following is a guest post from our friend Steve MacDouell. Steve teaches at Fanshawe College, is the co-founder of Good City Co., as well as a Senior Editor at The Localist.  He is from Woodfield—a neighborhood in Central London, where he enjoys instigating place-based projects, hosting workshops, and inviting everyday citizens to leverage their time, their ideas, and their creativity for the sake of their …

Praxis Partner: Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Our friends at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary have been Praxis partners for many years and we were thrilled to have them partner again with us in 2018. Here Rev. Karen Rohrer, Director of the Church Planting Initiative shares important themes to consider in church planting. How can faith be found inside of empire? The book of Acts takes pace in empire—the Roman Empire—and …

Creating Practice-Based Worship Gatherings

Consumerism states that whatever dazzles us with words, with personality, with brilliant production, is worth our time. Churches have surrendered to this powerful inertia when they seek to find the relevant hot-spots for what people want, and then use them to design their worship gatherings. Many are questioning the use of these marketplace sensibilities. Is there another way forward? Is …

Non-violent Confrontation in a War Zone

[This is a guest post from our friend Michael Gonzalez. Michael is a follower of Jesus, writer, and everyday missionary. He spends most of his time teaching pre-school aged children and serving as a grassroots leader in his community. He currently lives in Philadelphia, PA with his wife Alicia, their three kids, Eva, Mia, and Michael.] God met me in a …

Free Webinar: Fund Your Church Plant

We here at V3 are excited to partner with Tom Mauriello and Reliant to offer this free webinar on Creative Ways to Fund Your Church Plant. Missional churches and church planting present unique challenges and opportunities with their funding needs.  Does your fundraising model align with the mission?  We’ll explore the methods and models we can approach funding and fund …

Re-Imagining Leadership with Joshua Grace

We are thrilled to be meeting together in Philadelphia this week for The Praxis Gathering! We look forward to Re-Imagining Leadership as we explore soul-healthy leadership, men & women leading together, multicultural leadership, vulnerable leadership, and 5-fold leadership with some of the best on-the-ground church planters and practitioners from across the country. Joshua Grace is one among these, who will who …

Re-Imagining Leadership with Erica and Brandon Wrencher

We are counting down to Praxis Gathering 2018, our fourth annual time together, where we will plummet deep into the hands-on-work of Re-Imagining Leadership with unique emphasis on mutual leadership, emotional healthy leadership, five-fold intelligence, multicultural leadership and leadership in the neighborhood. We are thrilled to have Erica and Brandon Wrencher join us this year. They are among some of the best on-the-ground church planters and …

Praxis to Partner with Table Network Partner

We here at V3 are excited about our partnership with The Table Network at The Praxis Gathering (September 27-29, 2018 in Philadelphia) this year. The Table Network is a network of everyday people extending the freedom and family of Jesus to everyone – one table at a time. They believe that we are all guests at the table Jesus has prepared – not …