Who We Are
Our Story
The church is in a major season of upheaval. Sunday-centric, sermon-focused, program-driven approaches are increasingly becoming irrelevant in Post-Christianity. We need new but rooted ways of being the church. In 2013, JR Woodward after 20 years of planting missional churches in Virginia and LA, sensed God inviting him to equip the future of church planters into movemental practices. The GA (the General Association of Virginia) was looking to contribute to a fresh ecumenical kingdom-movement. A deep partnership was formed called the V3 Movement.
A team was assembled to build training that would take dreamers and doers through a journey to plant multiplying mid-size communities. 10 years later the V3 Movement has trained over 600 planters, built a family of coaches, and launched a national gathering. In 2017 Dan White Jr. and JR Woodward crystallized their training in The Church as Movement (InterVarsity Press). The training has moved beyond the American church and has gone international as leaders are looking to move beyond the Church as an Industrial Complex into the Church as a Movement.

Our Team

JR Woodward
National Director
Jessie Cruickshank
Movement Leader (Executive)
Dan White, Jr.
Movement Leader
Emmanuel Mustapha
Director - V3 Africa
Aaron Thomas
Recruitment and Enrollment Manager
Felix Banson
Operations Manager - V3 Africa
Matt Alexander
Community Developer
Taeler Morgan
Jeffrey Riggs
Awareness Coordinator
Emii Philips-Kim
Executive Administrator

Scott Austin
Mike Pumphrey
Cesar Sotomayor
Apprentice Coach
Tonya Variya
Webinar Coordinator
Jonathan Gibson
Apprentice Coach

Asaph Jeka
Coach - V3 Africa

Craig Barber
Apprentice Coach

Loise W Wangechi
Coach - V3 Africa
Sueyoshi Minori
Apprentice Coach - JapanWhat We Embrace
The V3 in our logo stands for Vision, Voice, and Viral which represents: discovering a hopeful vision for the in-breaking Kingdom of God in our local places, learning our unique voice within the 5-Fold ministry of Jesus, and developing practices for being a viral movemental church.
- God is a community of one - Father, Son, and Spirit in an eternal dance of self-giving love. What is God like? God is like Jesus. God has always been like Jesus. Jesus reveals who God is and what God is like. We didn’t always know this. But now we do.
- Life-Forming Discipleship
Rather than starting with a big launch approach to church planting we must start with discipleship. This discipleship must be a concrete pathway for others to join that shapes them into Communion with the Father, Son, and Spirit, Community with others in shared-life, and Co-mission into their places of witness. Without discipleship we are merely creating an audience of consumers. Discipleship is not an extra curricular activity of the church it is the engine of the church. It is vital to recover the act and art of disciple-making.