Specialized Coaching with V3

We at The V3 Movement are pleased to announce Specialized Coaching beginning this fall. We hear from many of our friends, church planters, and practitioners that they would like to have a coaching resource from the V3 Movement outside of our learning cohorts and we are happy to be able to offer this now. This coaching is available to everyone – you do not have to be part of a current learning cohort to benefit from these amazing sessions. Right now we are offering 4 specialized options.

Creating A Discipleship Pathway

Disciple-making was the core priority of Jesus, yet most churches in North America have no clear pathway for growing disciples who make disciples. Maturing in the character and competency of Christ does not happen by accident – there must be a concrete pathway that guides discipleship formation. A discipleship pathway is sustainable, relational, formational, cyclical, and movemental. This coaching group equips missional practitioners to create and design a concrete discipleship pathway that forms people into disciple-makers.

The core components of this specialized coaching group include:

1. Explore your local context

2. Craft context-informed discipleship practices and postures

3. Identify concrete markers that define your pathway

4. Assimilate formational content that supports your pathway

5. Draft an initial version of your discipleship pathway

6. Develop assessment tools that refine your pathway

Find our more by downloading The V3 app or click here.

Soul Care For Kingdom Leaders

Pastors and church-planters consistently face the on-going temptation to care for the lives and hearts of everyone else but themselves. Soul care involves receiving the love of God in order to give the love of God to others. This coaching group equips people doing kingdom work to intentionally care for their whole lives (intimacy with God, deepening self-awareness, spiritual companions, vocational calling) in order to be a blessing in the world.

The core components of this group include:

1. Identify your spiritual personality

2. Move beyond surface-level spirituality

3. The Inward Journey (emotional health, self-awareness)

4. The Upward Journey (intimacy with God, identify as the Beloved)

5. The Withward Journey (vulnerable community, spiritual companions)

6. The Outward Journey (nurturing personal calling, physical self-care)

7. Craft a personal Rule and Rhythm of Life

Find our more by downloading The V3 app or click here.

The Art Of Spiritual Companioning

Spiritual Companioning is a form of spiritual direction. It is a space to be “with God” and “for others” for the sake of the world. This coaching group introduces and cultivates basic spiritual companionship principles through group praxis. Together, we will learn and immediately apply a model of prayerful listening and response that sheds light on the movement of God’s grace in the life of the one sharing.

The core components of this group include:

1. Compassionate presence

2. Prayerful listening

3. Contemplative silence

4. Reflecting / Noticing

5. Offerings / Invitations

6. Discernment principles

This group might be for you if:

– You desire to support and empower others in their unique spiritual journey.

– You desire to learn/practice/experience prayerful listening, rather than advice-giving.

– Your missional group desires to find an intentional way to deepen their spiritual friendship and discernment practices while on mission together.

Find our more by downloading The V3 app or click here.

Personal Spiritual Direction

The ancient practice of spiritual direction helps people cultivate ways of noticing and knowing God in their everyday lives. Spiritual directors accompany others in their deepening friendship and intimacy with God; integrating the sacred and secular in their lives; increasing in awareness of how God communicates with them personally. We host a sacred space for prayerful reflection, dialogue and silence where we listen together for the Holy Spirit’s presence and guidance.

Personal spiritual direction might be for you if:

1. You desire for your spiritual life to grow and find greater expression.

2. You are facing a season of personal change or discernment and desire to attune yourself to God’s guidance.

3. You are in vocational ministry and need a safe, compassionate space apart from your ministry role.

Find our more by downloading The V3 app or click here.



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V3 Movement

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A Grassroots Church Planting Movement

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