Combine a V3 Planting Cohort and a Masters in Theology & Mission
Led by experienced practitioners and coaches such as JR Woodward & Dan White Jr. (Co-authors of Church As Movement), cohorts are relational catalysts for leaders creating communities on mission. Northern Seminary’s Master of Arts in Theology & Mission was crafted from the ground up to equip students with a robust theological worldview for joining God’s mission. Practitioners and Planters learn to engage the complex questions of culture led by leading missional theologians like Dr. David Fitch (Faithful Presence, Church of Us vs. Them). The MA Theology & Mission with an emphasis in church planting combines the journey of a V3 Learning Cohort with the accredited training of Northern Seminary. Students who participate in two years of V3 Learning Cohorts are eligible to receive 9 credits with Northern Seminary.

Create Financial Sustainability
We mobilize church planters and missionaries across like-minded missional groups and church-planting networks. We help V3 Church Planters raise money to support their movemental work. We train, track, and offer you a team of support for getting your church off the ground financially. We encourage you to take advantage of the partnership V3 and Reliant have. Together we are supporting you for the long view.

V3 Re-missioning Cohort with a Master of Arts in Missional Ministry
Josh Hayden has been pastoring and leading V3 cohorts of re-missioning pastors, and has teamed up with Dr. Kyuboem Lee, (faculty at Missio) to create a unique partnership. Students who participate in two years of V3 Re-missioning Cohorts will receive practical formation in a learning community of established Pastor that are leading their congregations through the changes necessary to put them back on a missional footing. This training is combined with the accredited academic training of Missio Seminary, and will be eligible to receive 9 credits towards Missio Seminary’s MA in Missional Ministry.
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