A 4-week Immersion in How to Awaken Your Existing Church to the Missional Impulse of God w/ Josh Hayden and Christy Foldenauer About this Immersion Many churches in the United States have either stopped growing or are in decline. Yet, what is more concerning is the drift away from following Christ deeper into their local places on mission. Many of …
BELLS for the Season
Friends, I am struggling. Those close to me are not shocked by this because when they have checked in on me, I fumble through poorly worded responses. This has been going on for a while, but I think I am finally coming to terms with it. This season of life has turned me upside down. Most days, I live in one …
Cyber Missional Pioneering
The internet is a missional and incarnational frontier The great missiologist Ralph Winter said that the future of missions was in the cities … while that is still true, we simply must acknowledge that a significant future aspect of missions is also online. Hugh Halter and Matt Smay mention in their book, “The Tangible Kingdom Primer,” that “missional” and “incarnational” …
The Moment of Disruption & Decentralization
We are facing a disruption to the Church in ways that we have not seen in our lifetime. Rather than waiting for life to go back to normal for our church activities, we need to embrace this disruption as a gift that is breaking open space for new life and new possibilities. The last great disruption was The Reformation, which …
Why Planters Are Equipped for Racial Justice
“If you are doing ministry in America and you don’t understand race, you’re not going to be an effective missionary.” – David Bailey As we witness this volcanic eruption of racial unrest spill out across the country, the urgency to end systemic racism has never felt greater. Yet the Church has never seemed so ill-equipped to live out God’s vision …
Developing a Discipleship Pathway Immersion
A 4-week Immersion in how to construct a formational journey that is unique to your church w/ Taeler Morgan & Eun Strawser About this Immersion Few churches have a missional, accessible, holistic, clear path for making disciples. Do you have a visible path for equipping those in your own church community to be a disciples? Are they being shaped to …
Decolonizing the Church Immersion
A 5-week Immersion in dismantling white supremacy in the Church in order to build Beloved Community w/ Brandon Wrencher About this Immersion In the US and globally, the wealth gap between the rich and the poor is greater than ever, disproportionately along racial lines. The Church in the West has too often served the interests of the dominant class reinforcing …
Hybrid Ecclesiology: A Proposed New Normal
There’s no need to revisit the history of how we got where we are today. We know all the facts surrounding COVID and the struggles that churches are facing in the midst of the pandemic and shutdown. Some of you reading this are dealing with these tensions on a daily basis and my heart truly goes out to you. Almost …
Engaging the Neighborhood Immersion
A 4-week Immersion in discovering the local, relational, and globally networked Church around you with Tim Soerens and Christiana Rice About this Immersion We as the Church are living and leading in confusing and challenges times. Reading the headlines it can seem like everything is melting down, but when you get closer to street and pay attention to what God …
Dialogical Preaching Immersion
A 4-week Immersion in how to bring together both declarative and interactive elements in the act and art of preaching w/ Dan White Jr. About this Immersion Covid-19 has disrupted the Church and especially the act of preaching. Many Pastors found themselves struggling to deliver a sermon that connected with people watching from the comfort of their homes. Is there …