Looking Back, Moving Forward

A good friend asked me recently “If you were pastoring a church today what would you preach on?” My quick response was “How do we love God and neighbor in a post pandemic future?” As I pondered his question a little more deeply however I found myself looking back over the last year and the important questions it has taught …

Anti-Asian Racism and Your Church

It’s not supposed to be this way. Asian Americans have received a stark reminder over the past year that we, too, must deal with the terms and conditions imposed by white supremacy. Empowered by racist epithets like “China virus” or “kung flu,” the model minority myth has crumpled under the weight of anti-Asian racism. The recent violent murders in Atlanta …

Multiplying Disciples Over Spectators Immersion

A 5-week Immersion on Constructing a Pathway that Multiplies Disciples Over Spectators w/ Eun Strawser. About this Immersion Are you a Disciple or a Spectator? Are you a Follower of Jesus or a mere Fan? Two of the biggest questions among pastors, church planters, and church leaders are “Have you been discipled?” and “Have you ever discipled someone else?” If …

Structuring for Movement Immersion

A 6-week Immersion in How Jesus Used the 4 Spaces of Belonging to Make & Multiply Disciples w/ JR Woodward & Eun Strawser About this Immersion Do you know if the life of your church helps to grow CONSUMERS or DISCIPLES? Have current church structures frustrated you? Are you looking for concrete and practical ways to multiply disciples that uses …

Powerful Reflection

As church planters, we may easily get bogged down from the nitty gritty of shaping organizational structures and managing the great work of investing deeply into the individuals in our communities, but there is a key way of pausing in the midst of the work that actually aids in providing wisdom and insight into both our organizational structures and the …

Discipleship, Assimilation, and Relationship

Matthew 28:18-20 is a bedrock concept for every church planter. We all can grasp what it means to make disciples of all the nations. It’s simple to understand, yet one of the hardest components of any church community to put into replicating practice. However, through a western theological lens, this activity often takes on a specific approach. Usually, it means …

Enneagram for Spiritual Formation Webinar

What does the Enneagram have to do with this political climate, our identities, and following Jesus? A lot, actually. In fact, more than you can imagine.  If you’ve moved on from the Enneagram, we encourage you to look again. If you’re nervous about the Enneagram, check out this renewed approach that puts the theory in its proper place as a helpful …

The Moment of Disruption & Decentralization

We are facing a disruption to the Church in ways that we have not seen in our lifetime. Rather than waiting for life to go back to normal for our church activities, we need to embrace this disruption as a gift that is breaking open space for new life and new possibilities. The last great disruption was The Reformation, which …

The Decentralized Shift Immersion

A 5-week Immersion for re-imagining and restructuring your mid-size or mega church toward decentralized gatherings w/ Dan White Jr & friends About this Immersion A global pandemic has disrupted the Church, there is no denying it—it feels apocalyptic. Many Churches are not sure when or how to gather their people without putting them in harms way. So what are the …

Developing a Discipleship Pathway Immersion

A 4-week Immersion in how to construct a formational journey that is unique to your church w/ Taeler Morgan & Eun Strawser About this Immersion Few churches have a missional, accessible, holistic, clear path for making disciples. Do you have a visible path for equipping those in your own church community to be a disciples? Are they being shaped to …