A 5-week Immersion on Constructing a Pathway that Multiplies Disciples Over Spectators w/ Eun Strawser.
About this Immersion
Are you a Disciple or a Spectator? Are you a Follower of Jesus or a mere Fan? Two of the biggest questions among pastors, church planters, and church leaders are “Have you been discipled?” and “Have you ever discipled someone else?” If we were to honestly answer these questions, sadly, too few of us would say, “Yes.”
Can you definitively say that you have been discipled and can disciple someone else? Do you have the clarity to equip those in your own church community to be a disciple, and therefore, be able to go and make disciples of others? Jesus’ Great Commission was given to not just the leaders, but to the whole church.
During this Praxis Immersion, we will practically learn to construct a “Discipleship Pathway” that fits your unique church community in order to multiply disciples who go and make disciples.
- Identify what Discipleship is and how to clearly equip your community in it
- Implement key building blocks in constructing a Discipleship Pathway
- Utilize a Discipleship Pathway in all stages of spiritual maturity
- Discover common things in the church that needs to be pruned for Discipleship growth to actually happen
- Organize your church community around multiplying Disciples
The Flow (Mondays 4-5pm EST, Mar 22nd-Apr 29th, 2021):*
- Week 1: What is Discipleship Anyway? – Clearly define the need for a Discipleship Pathway and an equipping framework that helps to make all attendants in your church community disciples who can make disciples
- Week 2: Essentials of a Discipleship Pathway – The difference between Essential, Maturity, and Tools of Discipleship and the 4 essential parts for a Discipleship Pathway
- Week 3: Building a Discipleship Pathway – Take an interactive look at a variety of Discipleship Pathways and give unique starters for you to consider in your own church context
- Week 4: Disguised as Discipleship – Take a critical look at common mistakes churches make in implementing a Discipleship pathway and consider what needs to be pruned for growth
- Week 5: Multiplication: Disciples making Disciples – Identify where are the places in your current church rhythm where a Discipleship Pathway can be utilized. Consider what needs to Stop in order to Start.
*RECORDINGS: With your ticket, you will receive the recordings of each session in case you are unable to attend.
The Coaches:
Eun Strawser is a bi-vocational church planter and physician in Honolulu, HI. She was trained and practiced in Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania and as a Fulbright Scholar. She currently lives in Honolulu, where she’s surrounded by her tribe, “Ma Ke Alo o”, a people of Presence, which includes her red-bearded husband and their three, seriously, amazing children.

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