v3 2016 end of tradition

Reflections on the End of Tradition

It’s tempting to want to take control, especially as church planters and leaders with passion, vision and commitment. Right? We want to get things moving and push our agendas forward according to our systems and to tradition. But I recently re-watched the film, Whale Rider and was reminded of the power, beauty and effectiveness of a contrarian way. Koro, the …

How to Deal With Our Pain

If we want a future as church planters and pastors where we not only survive, but actually thrive, become more free, become more alive, and where we live with a growing sense of vibrancy and joy, then we have to learn what to do with our pain. The Franciscan priest and leading voice in the field of contemplation, Richard Rohr, …


Let Us Encourage One Another

Murphy’s Law says, “If anything can go wrong it will.” If your doctor’s appointment is for 4:00pm and you have something else at 5:00pm, he or she will be an hour behind. If you’ve decided to go on a ski holiday, it will be the mildest, most snowless winter on record. This is just one reason why we all need …