Essential Elements of Kingdom Movements

(inspired by Alan Hirsch’s mDNA) What does it look like to make disciples of Jesus who actually go and reproduce more disciples? We need to think about the big picture, plant small seeds that can sprout trees and in turn create forests. Plant from the beginning with the end in mind. We see this in the parables of Jesus about …

Following Jesus 

As people who live and lead within missional communities, church planters and pastors often bear the weight of keeping the vision and mission in mind on behalf of their people, but in the midst of all the busyness of leading and caring for others, we sometimes miss keeping the main thing the main thing.  What is the “main thing” in …

Five-Fold Proclamation: Part 3

In my first blog in this series I suggested that after years of teaching students to preach the way I was taught to preach (assign each student a text, which fit me well as a “teacher” on five-fold), I started to wonder, “Am I trying to force apostles, prophets, evangelists, and shepherds, to preach like teachers?”  I began to imagine, …

Meet Praxis Presenter Hugh Halter

In our fifth annual time together at The Praxis Gathering, we will plunge into the hands-on-work of Life Together in Community with particular emphasis on creating a missional-community, a tethered community, a multi-ethnic community, a peace-making community, and a healing community. We’ve gathered some of the best on-the-ground church planters and practitioners to furnish us with the possibilities for lighting a …

Praxis 2019 Partner: Missio Seminary

The Praxis Gathering joins a number of key partners providing resources and opportunities benefiting missional church planters and practitioners. One such partner is Missio Seminary.  Missio Seminary (formerly Biblical Theological Seminary) believes theology is applicable beyond the classroom and is best realized when it is embodied in the context of people, places, and the messiness of life and culture. Our …

Meet Praxis Presenter Deb Hirsch

The Praxis Gathering 2019 is pleased to announce that Deb Hirsch, Australian-born writer and speaker, will be joining us to explore Life Together is a Fragmented World. Deb is a beloved addition to our list of presenters and speaks from a place of experienced and practiced wisdom. She is among the best on-the-ground church planters and practitioners to furnish us …

Praxis Partner Highlight: Reliant

Reliant is an incredible resource for church planter fundraising and we are excited about our partnership at The Praxis Gathering this year (September 26-28, 2019 in Philadelphia). We encourage all our planters to check them out. Get to know them a bit here and be sure to follow @ReliantMission on Twitter! Fundraising Support for Church Planters Reliant has been helping missionaries and …

Meet Praxis Presenter David Fitch

In our fifth annual time together at The Praxis Gathering, we will plunge into the hands-on-work of Life Together in Community with particular emphasis on creating a missional-community, a tethered community, a multi-ethnic community, a peace-making community, and a healing community. We’ve gathered some of the best on-the-ground church planters and practitioners to furnish us with the possibilities for lighting a …

Money Talks

Money.   Money, finances, giving, budgeting, tithing, offering — however which way we try to spin it, it leaves most of us, especially in the church planting world, feeling uncomfortable. I wonder if the focus of our conversation is amiss when we talk about money, and instead, we, as shepherds of our missional communities, should actually be honing in on something …