5 Steps for Creating a Discipleship Pathway (2024 Refresh)

In upstate NY there is a  beautiful region for climbing called “The Gunks”. They are one of America’s premier climbing areas. It’s just minutes from New Paltz, a funky college town, and 85 miles from New York City. Climbing here is characterized by huge rock roofs that shoot over the trails, big traverses, and waterfalls peppered throughout the route. Thinking …

Sustainable Missional Church Planting Through Support Raising

The V3 Movement is pleased to host this guest blog from our Praxis 2023 Partner, Reliant Mission. Thank you for your support! Planting a missional church is a calling rooted in faith and vision. It’s about believing that the good news of Jesus is often experienced through presence, reaching people where they are, demonstrating God’s love, and creating a faith …

The “Hole” in Our Support Raising: A Case for Values Based Support Raising

Support raising is a tricky subject for many people. For some, it is an enjoyable part of their ministry, for others it is a terrifying and dreadful requirement. Others see it as an annoying distraction from their “main ministry work,” while others see it as part of their call to make disciples. For many who raise support, the process is …

Competing for Community

Purpose of Community When we consider community, what are some things that come to mind in terms of the purpose of community? While many of us can think of the benefits of community in both providing a sense of belonging and a sense of purpose within a neighborhood and actual place, the unspoken hardship is that, most of us, if …


Our anxiety muscles have grown. We were told to be anxious. We were told that this anxiety should drive our behaviour, and that our lives depended on it. This behaviour created physical space and safety, which in itself was necessary. But was there another spirit by which we could have achieved that? Could we not have been driven by courage? …

An Ethic of Listening

In times where the “cancel culture” goes both directions (a cultural reaction of taking offense and rejecting someone due to their biases and assertions), it takes maturity to listen with hope, love, and faith. We listen with hope knowing the Redeemer. We listen with love for our neighbor. We listen with faith that God will give us wise, gentle, humble, …

Online Church

Most of us have developed a level of proficiency for “Zoom church” and its many lacking facets. To what degree has moving online been helpful to your church? In what ways has it been a hindrance? These pandemic times have made many leaders re-think prior assumptions surrounding the online church. I would certainly count myself as one. Incarnation Church planters …

Proclamation in Real Life

In light of what the pandemic has exposed – exposed and not created – it’s been apparent that the public space that Jesus used in proclaiming the nearness of the Kingdom of God, the rule and reign of the very presence of God, has been brought closer to us.  Let me explain.  Here in North America, the pandemic has exposed …

Anti-Asian Racism and Your Church

It’s not supposed to be this way. Asian Americans have received a stark reminder over the past year that we, too, must deal with the terms and conditions imposed by white supremacy. Empowered by racist epithets like “China virus” or “kung flu,” the model minority myth has crumpled under the weight of anti-Asian racism. The recent violent murders in Atlanta …

Church Planting in Post-Christian Soil Webinar

What do 105 churches planted in one of the most post-Christian cities in the U.S. have to teach us about the new thing God is doing in our time? Join Rev. Dr. Christopher James, Associate Professor of Evangelism and Missional Christianity at University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, as he unpacks five actionable findings from the groundbreaking research behind his book, Church …