Why Listening is the First Step of Evangelism

Normally we think of evangelism as a process of telling. We are proclaiming or sharing something. And it is that, of course, but I’ve become more and more convinced that effective evangelism starts with listening. Here’s the thing: most evangelism strategies focus only on the telling part. They help people figure out what to say, how to present, the right things to proclaim. One size does NOT …

Embracing Disillusionment in Church Planting

If you’ve been planting a church for more than a couple weeks, you’ve probably already encountered a good deal of disillusionment. And if you haven’t felt disillusioned yet… well, just wait. Sorry if that sounds ominous. Disillusionment isn’t fun. You thought one thing and it turned out to be another. You had hoped that family would join the church and …

Breaking Down Walls

My Lenten theme this year is Breaking Down Walls. I was not just thinking of the controversy about the wall on the U.S/Mexican border when I chose this topic. All of us have walls in our lives, products of our own brokenness and often too, of our responses to the brokenness of others. These walls separate us from the one …

Mid-Sized Communities for Mission

What is a Mid-size Community? The Church is familiar with small groups but mid-size communities are another story. We need to explore an old but new vehicle for being present in the world, for the sake of God’s mission. Belonging is easier, missional engagement is higher, discipleship is laser focused, community is happening, and leaders are developed. This is the culture of …

Awakenings Gathering Pre-Con with V3

STARTING MISSIONAL CHURCHES FROM SCRATCH New passion is bubbling up around the world to birth new faith communities that take the neighborhood seriously. There is a growing groundswell of leaders discovering the abundant possibilities of organizing tight-knit communities, that commit to life-forming discipleship, that stay rooted in a particular local place. But where to begin? The typical attractional, personality-concentric strategies …