In our fifth annual time together, we will plunge into the hands-on-work of Life Together in Community with particular emphasis on creating a missional-community, a tethered community, a multi-ethnic community, a peace-making community, and a healing community. We’ve gathered some of the best on-the-ground church planters and practitioners to furnish us with the possibilities for lighting a path ahead in our churches, in our neighborhoods, and in our world.
Life Together
Community has certainly become a buzzword but it is at the pulsing heart of the Gospel. Yet, attempt to weave shared-life together amongst a local people and you will discover how fragmented we’ve become. We huddle with people like us – like interests, like politics, like stages of life, or like races. A slew of social forces seeks to separate us. Can we overcome them? Can the church be vibrant in its mission without vitality in belonging? At Praxis 2019 we’ll explore the hard work of love and life together in community.
Child-Care Options
We want to make Praxis easier for families, so NEW this year we are providing childcare at a small additional cost. Local child-workers, with background checks, will graciously care for kids 2 through 8 while you attend workshops.
Early Bird Pricing
Register by July 31 for the best price with the early bird discount! Check out the Praxis Gathering website for all the details.
Don’t miss out on this enriching time together with these great presenters, and more.

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