The V3 Movement is overjoyed to offer new innovative learning cohorts this fall.

MarketPlace Planting
Early Trappists Monks created enterprises to that funded their missional work, so today’s marketplace planters and pioneers will artistically find ways to start businesses that contribute social good and while engaging civic structures of a particular place. Join us this fall as Hugh Halter trains a cohort in how Mission and the Market converging in context.

Intercultural Movemental Planting
Churches continue to be one of the most segregated institutions along the lines of race and class. How might a movement of beloved communities conspire for change amidst the fractured conditions facing our neighborhoods?
Drawing from the wisdom of intercultural missional movements led by people of color and poor people in the US and Global South we are launching a training cohort of Planters to walk humbly, love mercy, and do justice as a witness to the gospel.

RE-MISSIONING: Awakening Your Established Church
Do you want to re-calibrate your church around missional presence? Do you face old policies and outdated procedures that prevent this? Do you long to honor the past while innovating towards the future?
This Fall join our Re-Missioning training journey along side other pastors and practitioners.
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