Where are New Churches Needed Most?

Some church planters want to go “Where No Man Has Gone Before” (the title of the second pilot episode of the Star Trek television series). If you would prefer to go with something biblical, try the Apostle Paul’s words in Romans 15:20: “It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I …

How To Choose Leadership In Your Church

When forming a leadership team in your church, choose non-representative governance! WHAT??!! This statement may seem scandalous for those who live in a representative democracy, and certainly, most leadership teams combine members representing either departments (adults, children, worship, outreach, etc.) or segments of the congregation. Yet, in my book, Made to Flourish: Beyond Quick Fixes to a Thriving Organization, I …

Getting Organized is Not Anti-Mission

There is an incredible distrust of institutions these days. Where can we turn to find an institution that people believe is out for their common good? Church? Government? Banks? Newspapers? According to Gallup only 32% of Americans have any confidence in the 14 major national institutions to perform their necessary duties. The bottom line according to Gallup is Americans clearly …


I remember the first morning I woke up after I had moved to Syracuse, NY. My family had spent the previous year discerning the Spirit’s voice with friends, family and our faith community. My wife and I had served in full-time vocational ministry for 15 years, and we were sensing a growing call to start a new faith community in …

How to plant a church with $375

Is it possible to plant a church with a budget remarkably lower than normal? I’ve done it–twice. Before I share that story, a brief look at church planting in North America over the past 20 years. Church planting has entered contemporary church practice as an attractive and practical way to address decline. Globally, church planting in countries like China or …

The V3 Movement Partners with the Inhabit Conference

At the V3 Church Planting Movement we get the question all the time “Why do we need to plant more churches?” It is a valid question. Certainly in most cities we can see a church edifice every couple miles and in some cities every few blocks. It might appear we don’t need any new churches. Additionally, the church currently does …

How Do You Decide Where to Plant a Church?

Many future church planters ask, “where’s the best place to plant a church?” The most brilliant response? “It all depends.” Are you looking for the places with the fewest number of churches, the fastest growing, the most millennials, the largest retirement villages, the best college towns, the largest Asian population, the densest, walkable communities… or something else? This entry is …

Christian “Tweeners” in the Shifting Story of the Church

“Cats Cradle,” it’s called, a kids game using a piece of string tied together to make figures with your hands.  It’s hard to describe. To (literally) grasp the fun, you have to try it for yourself. I introduced Cat’s Cradle to my 9 year old daughter recently as she characterized her perplexing experience of recess in the 4th grade. “We …

For Love Of The World, Do Something Foolish this Lent

This year Lent begins on Valentine’s Day and ends on April Fools Day, a little challenging in perspectives for those of us that like to adhere to the church calendar while still observing some of the practices of our secular culture. On Godspace, we have chosen the theme “For Love Of The World God Did Foolish Things” as our Lenten theme using …