What Mark Zuckerberg Can (Accidentally) Teach Us About Church

Mark Zuckerberg recently suggested that Facebook could (and maybe should) become your church. A lot of pastors and Christian leaders are freaking out about this, but Zuckerberg is merely following to its natural extreme an ecclesiology most evangelical pastors and church planters have bought into for decades. (Skye Jethani has a fantastic collection of tweets about this, by the way.) The …

4 Pro Tips for Church Planters Looking For a Place To Meet

For church planters, Where do we meet? is a top-of-mind question. You can start in homes, but eventually most church planters realize they need a public place to gather for worship. When I first started dreaming about planting my first church, I suddenly looked at every place I went with new eyes. I’d evaluate very bookstore, restaurant, brewery, office building, coworking space, …

4 Church Planting Mistakes I've Made

I don’t like making mistakes. I’d rather do things well the first time, and get praised for it. Who wouldn’t? But of course I’ve made mistakes. I’ve planted a couple missional churches where we sought to root our work in discipling people into participating in God’s mission, and then multiplying from there. All throughout this journey, up until this very moment, …

People Are the End, Not the Means

Church planters need to have vision. They need to be able to see a future that doesn’t exist yet and call people into it. But too often the vision becomes a “thing” that we use people to accomplish (rather than calling people to inhabit the vision). One of the greatest temptations you’ll face as a church planter is to use people …

3 Lessons Church Planters Could Learn From Content Marketers

I’ve written before about how (oddly enough) copywriting made me a better evangelist. I also think the church could learn a thing or two from the world of content marketing. Now, just like with my post on copywriting, I probably need to clear up some misconceptions. Hang with me here. Isn’t content marketing kind of shady? First of all, a …

advent v3 2016 ben sternke

Practicing Patient Tenacity During Advent

We’re in the season of Advent: the beginning of the Christian year and a time of waiting, longing, preparation, and expectation. In the midst of a culture that wants to rush toward the warm fuzzies of a sentimentalized Christmas season, how can we cultivate the kind of attitude Advent is meant to evoke in us? How can we honor what this …