advent v3 2016 ben sternke

Practicing Patient Tenacity During Advent

We’re in the season of Advent: the beginning of the Christian year and a time of waiting, longing, preparation, and expectation. In the midst of a culture that wants to rush toward the warm fuzzies of a sentimentalized Christmas season, how can we cultivate the kind of attitude Advent is meant to evoke in us? How can we honor what this …

incarnational movements

A Textbook for Church Planting, Mentoring, and Missional Incarnational Movements

I love practitioner credibility.  I love it when people who have actually done what they purport needs doing are able to share, from experience, in intelligible, compelling, and digestible ways, guidance about to lead.  In The Church as Movement, JR Woodward and Dan White Jr. bring practitioner credibility in spades.  Leaders of one of the most fruitful church planting movements in …

missional culture V3 2016

How to Know If a Missional Culture Is Flourishing

In my two previous posts, Creating Culture: When Values and Life Don’t Match and 4 Ways Jesus Established Culture, we determined that leaders build the foundation for a church’s culture by what they do, especially in the beginning. We saw that it’s not about just starting programs, having gatherings, or copying the ‘successful’ church in your city, but discovering, identifying, and articulating your church’s DNA, …

v3 2016 kevin sweeney collaborative culture

Ways To Structure Worship In a Collaborative Culture

We live in a culture that is increasingly being referred to as digital, inventive, participatory, designer, and creative. As a result of this cultural move, people are discovering more about their identities and finding more meaning from what they create rather than what they consume. The shared language of this culture is one that is filled with potential-based words such as …

V3 2016 Ben Katt apest

5 Ways to Become a Better Pastor in Your Neighborhood

I’ve been a pastor for 10 years, and I’ve never been a very good one.In seminary, I remember learning about how pastors are gifted at listening, and pastoral care, and counseling. That didn’t really sound like me.And then there was all of this energy and attention given to preaching—“pastor,” as it is in many Christian circles, was synonymous with “preacher.” …

church as movement endorsements

6 Big Reasons to Read This Book

We’re pleased to announce that Church as Movement: Starting and Sustaining Missional-Incarnational Communities our very own JR Woodward and Dan White Jr. is now available! Purchase it as a discount rate here and get additional free resources here. From the Foreword One of the strengths of the book derives from the fact that JR and Dan are reflective practitioners; both have …