Like everyone else around me, I am struggling to make sense of what the new reality facing us in the coming weeks as we return to work and a semblance of normalcy, could look like. This has not been an easy time for any of us, but in the midst some startling and beautiful facts have emerged. My daily walks …
Wishing For Not Normal: Erasing the Deep Darkness Within
Normal. What is normal? After all, what seems normal to some is abnormal for others. When my work takes me out of town, I try to stay with friends, family, or colleagues as often as possible. Not only is it more cost-effective, but doing this allows me to catch a glimpse into someone else’s “normal,” solidifying the fact that “normals” …
Discernment 101: 5 Practices
“Our God is a God who cares, heals, guides, directs, challenges, confronts, corrects. To discern means first of all to listen to God, to pay attention to God’s active presence, and to obey God’s prompting, direction, leadings, and guidance.” [Henri Nouwen][1] Discerning God’s direction does not happen by accident. The Spirit helps us to discern but we have a part to …
Every Pastor Needs a Pastor
I need a pastor. Being a pastor myself, I wasn’t one to admit that I did. My reluctance probably stemmed from my pride of self-sufficiency and invincibility. Being a mature Christ-follower—and a pastor at that—meant that I should be able to handle anything that comes my way all on my own, no matter how bad it gets, right? Isn’t that …
The Church Planting Movement
Welcome to our new V3 Church Planting Movement website. Please take a moment to look around at the site, check out our about us section, our services, our homepage and of course this blog. In the about us section, you can learn more about the vision of V3, our values, what the three V’s mean as well as meet our …
Some Breaking V3 News
This coming week we are starting our G8 Church Planters Learning Cohorts. We are beta testing this year and are excited about this approach to training. We have 15 churches participating in our training from Miami, to Hononlulu, from Syracuse, NY to Richmond, CA, from Washington DC to many parts of Virginia. The V3 Learning Cohort (LC) is a two-year …