3 Ways the Parish Model Would Change Your Church

The Third Church Presbyterian community meets in Richmond, Virginia with the mission “Called together for the renewal of all things through Jesus Christ.” For Third, that means a new model for church, a decentralized Parish model. Each of the eleven parishes will consist of around 100 people, and the parish will be the main mode of community and ministry for the …

Listening to the Story: The Experience of Two Church Planters

Church planting doesn’t happen according to some idealistic model. In every environment, church means something unique, which can mean unique challenges and unique opportunities. Here’s what that meant for two planters, one in Colorado and one in Twin Cities. Meet Scott Olson and Matt Anderson, who were part of our community of church planters, the Learning Cohort. Matt, tell us a …

Behind the Scenes with Church Planters: How Community Can Save Your Plant

We can’t do it alone. That’s why V3 follows its model. There’s nothing more exasperating than trying to fill all the roles in a ministry, trying to white-knuckle your way through ministry, dealing with all the hopes and fears you have—without a community. That’s an easy recipe for disappointment and burnout. V3 had the opportunity recently to hear from two …

Ministry's Most Commonly Forgotten Secret

My week had been particularly hectic, stressful and busy. But honestly, so had the week before! After thinking more about it, I realized that actually we hadn’t taken a day off in more than a few weeks now. Things just kept popping up. I’d say to myself, “This is just a season. It’s how it is now, but it won’t always be …

5 Good Decisions I Made as a Planter

Of course it’s helpful to reflect on mistakes, especially if it will help prevent new ones, or if it can be an instructional tool to those follow after you. With grace, we reflect on those things, and we learn from them. But every now and then, a decision stands the test of time. Here are five good decisions I’ve made …

5 Lessons from the Front Lines of Church Planting

I am the last person anyone would expect to become a church planter.  I grew up in the traditional church, majored in Religion at a denominational college, went to a denominational seminary and served three churches around the country as an ordained pastor.  This was going to be what I did for my entire career, but God had other plans, …

4 Church Planting Mistakes I've Made

I don’t like making mistakes. I’d rather do things well the first time, and get praised for it. Who wouldn’t? But of course I’ve made mistakes. I’ve planted a couple missional churches where we sought to root our work in discipling people into participating in God’s mission, and then multiplying from there. All throughout this journey, up until this very moment, …

6 Tips for Celebrating Earth Day

It’s time to get ready for Earth Day. This important celebration April 22nd, is often neglected by our churches, but I think should be at the forefront on our yearly rhythms. God created us from the earth and for the earth. In Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating, theologian Norman Wirzba says: When we become strangers to the earth …

The Missional Potential of the Five-Fold

Find out more about the Learning Cohort 2017 here:  This is JR Woodward explaining what God’s design might mean for you and your ministry. The five-fold method uses Ephesians 4 to show a beautiful outline for what our gifts could be for the church. “People aren’t given the gifts; they are the gifts.” Ephesians 4:7 shows a five-fold ministry profile, composed of apostles, …

Do Over: 5 Church-Planting Fixes

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about do overs.  Any baseball fan knows that you often wish you could get another pitch.  In golf you call it a mulligan and take a dropped ball. In a great game of Horse, you may even take a second shot.  If you’re specifically a Cleveland sports fan you wish you could have a …