
Leadership Is a Community Affair

The V3 Movement being a communal movement, we’re excited to bring you another personal interview from a series of interviews with church planters who are embracing place-based church planting in a fruitful manner. These planters are using V3 Learning Cohorts to ground their leadership and their missiology in community.
[Tweet “Leadership is a community affair.”] Today we’re speaking with Jared Dragoun of NoHo Church in Hollywood, California.

Hi, Jared. Tell us a little about yourself. What are some of your interests?

My name is Jared Dragoun, and my wife is Mary Beth. We’re in our mid-thirties and have been married for 13 years, which makes us “dad and mom” to most of the twentysomethings we’re engaged with. We love ministering together. We have a dachshund and a dachshund-yorkie (“dorky”). I like ping pong, but rarely get to play.

Where exactly are you church planting?

North Hollywood, CA, specifically in the NoHo Arts District.

What are some unique aspects of NoHo Church?

Hopefully we have nothing unique about our mission (making disciples), but our format looks different than most local churches we’ve been a part of. We don’t have a “public worship service” per se, and we don’t have specific ministries for targeted people groups. We simply gather in homes to eat, pray, and edify one another, and we have a mid-week Bible teaching. The rest of our “ministry” is being followers of Jesus together in everyday life.

What caused you to join a V3 Cohort?

My wife and I both feel that we need some equipping when it comes to Christian discipleship/shepherding. I am more gifted in apostleship/teaching, and my wife’s more gifted in evangelism/prophecy.

What’s been your favorite moment of your V3 cohort to date?

Every time my cohort pops on the screen, I know I am in the company of people who don’t care how “big” my church gets.

How has the cohort experience shaped your perspective on what it means to be the church?

It’s a little early to tell, but so far it is affirming that the truest discipleship comes from knowing and being known. Following Christ looks different for everyone, and if we truly want to shepherd people, it takes a lot of relational work and time.
[Tweet “”if we truly want to shepherd people, it takes a lot of relational work and time” ~ Jared Dragoun”]

What excites you about the future regarding Kairos Community and the V3 Tribe?

Having camaraderie in ministry goals with guys who aren’t pushing megachurch structures.

That’s great, Jared. Thanks for taking time to share with us today.

You can follow Jared on Twitter @jdragoun and support NoHo Church here.
[Tweet “”the truest discipleship comes from knowing and being known” ~Jared Dragoun”]  
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A Grassroots Church Planting Movement

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