A 4-week Immersion in How to Awaken and Assemble an Elder Team or Church Planting Team Using the APEST w/ Aaron and Karrie Thomas
About this Immersion
In partnership with The V3 Movement and Seeds & Water Collective: Somewhere along the line, humanity has become clouded in our understanding of leading together: whether at work, home, or church, we’ve got to shake off some toxic relational and leadership beliefs and habits. Thankfully, the Trinitarian nature of God gives us a picture of what this can look like. Ephesians 4, gives us the playbook. The church is made up of “apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers”. Join a very practical 4 week Immersion that will unlock a big piece of each members identity, will restructure the dynamics on your team, and will unleash the Spirit in profound ways in your local ministry.
The Flow (Thurs, Starting Oct 1):*
- Week 1: UNDERSTANDING 5-FOLD & MUTUAL SUBMISSION – Course correction on leadership along with a crash course in the characteristics, strengths, and areas of growth for each 5 Fold personality.
- Week 2: RECEIVING YOUR CALLING & MATURING IN 5-FOLD IDENTITY – Study, stories, and discussion on how God refines and matures each 5 Fold personality and the importance of understanding and embracing these moments
- Week 3: REWIRING 5-FOLD IN YOUR MINISTRY TEAM – How to transition from hierarchical models of leadership into the 5 Fold model of leadership and important stories and examples of how each 5 Fold personality reveals paths of mission, justice, healing, and strategy within a church community and her context.
- Week 4: UNLEASHING 5-FOLD IN YOUR MISSION – The 5 Fold has a powerful impact on marriages, friendships, neighborhoods, and even family and community history.
*RECORDINGS: With your ticket, you will receive the recordings of each session in case you are unable to attend.
The Coaches
Aaron and Karrie Thomas and their boys moved to the Washington, DC area in the Spring of 2011 to plant Restore Church. Restore was planted with a complementarian and hierarchal model with Aaron as Lead Pastor, but has shifted dramatically in theology and practice. Over the past 7 years, Restore has ordained Karrie and shifted to a communal leadership model with multiple pastors leading the church in mutual submission in the spirit of Ephesians 4 (5 Fold). This shift has changed our lives, our marriage, our mission, and our church. We want to help more people make this needed move in their churches and relationships. Recently, Karrie is enjoying Sabbatical and planning to begin her graduate work in Counseling. Aaron is launching a new organization called Seeds and Water Collective, a resourcing organization for churches, planters, and people. SWC guides people onto specific pathways of following Christ that help them faithfully navigate a rapidly growing post-Christian culture. Aaron and Karrie are both Coaches with The V3 Movement.

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