Being Pastor or Planter involves embracing a ministry vocation that includes a consistent encounter with the conflicts and challenges most spend their life trying to avoid. While leading people to the beauty of Christ, we concurrently face the tragedy of betrayal, grief from unending losses, and pain from emotional assaults.
What happens to our mind, soul, and body from this ongoing work?
We need spaces to process the hurts we carry within us, and to behold this suffering long enough to allow it to be healed by God. We need helpful tools for unpacking our pain so that our path is not marked by own hemorrhaging wounds.
Join us for a free webinar February 26, 2020 at 2 PM EST as we explore Processing Pain as a Planter & Pastor with Kevin Sweeney, Lori Ruffin and Dan White Jr.
• Solidarity for the pastoral journey
• Stories for identifying possibilities
• Self-awareness for examining personal pain
• Solid tools for moving towards healing
Meet Kevin Sweeney

Kevin and his wife Christine Sweeney (Licensed Therapist) have given their lives to create Imagine Church in Honolulu—a place that embraces the complexity of life, is unwilling to offer black and white answers in a world filled with color, is truly welcoming of all people, and sees imagination as the key to the future. Kevin received his Master’s Degrees in Theology and Intercultural Studies. He is fascinated with and committed to creating environments for creativity, social healing, communal cohesiveness, and personal transformation.
Meet Lori Ruffin

Lori is an upbeat strategic thinker. Fueled by a passion to help individuals and organizations fulfill their God-given purpose, she is the Operations Manager for the V3 Movement and the Founder of The COO Team, a virtual operations agency for nonprofits and small businesses. She enjoys helping others cultivate their relationship with God, songwriting and singing. She lives in Richmond, Va., with her husband and daughter.
Meet Dan White Jr

Dan is a full-time consultant and coach with the V3 Movement, coaching cohorts from around the country through a 9-month system for movement and mission. V3 has coached 200 faith communities in the last 5 years. He co-founded The Praxis Gathering: A Yearly Conference for Innovation and Immersion in Discipleship. Dan’s most recent book is Love Over Fear (Moody Pub) He’s also written Subterranean (Cascade) and co-authored the award winning The Church as Movement (InterVarsity Press). Dan and his wife Tonya are currently starting KINEO: A Renewal & Recovery Retreat Center for Tired and Traumatized Leaders (Puerto Rico). Connect @
Join us in Processing Pain As A Planter & Pastor February 26, 2020 @ 2pm EST
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