Praxis Gathering 2017: Kyuboem Lee

We’re proud to announce that Kyuboem Lee, church planter, minister, educator and more, will be joining us at the Praxis Gathering 2017. If you’d like to be there too, make sure you click HERE to register.

About Kyuboem Lee

Kyuboem Lee (BA Biblical & Theological Studies, MDiv Urban Mission, DMin Urban Mission) was born in Seoul, South Korea and raised in Nairobi, Kenya. He was educated in US evangelical and reformed institutions (Wheaton & Westminster). He has lived, church planted and ministered cross culturally in Philadelphia, USA, since 1993.
He has also taught urban mission at the graduate level since 2006, and has edited the Journal of Urban Mission ( since 2010. Currently, he serves as DMin Program Director and Assistant Professor of Missiology at Biblical Theological Seminary. Kyuboem is married to Christe and is the father of 2 sons, Amoz and Theo.

More From Kyuboem

“Christian Witness in a Time of Anti-Muslim Rhetoric”
“Yes AND No: On Christian Engagement with Other Religions”
“Speaking the Truth about Race in Love”
“A Word from a Pastor Addressing His Mostly Asian American Congregation After the Election”
“American Evangelicals, Come Home”


About the Author

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