Limited Time Offer! 40% off Dan White Jr.'s New Book Subterranean

The landscape of Christian spirituality in the West is no longer lush with green grass and wild flowers blooming. Instead, across the country we find dry terrain where churches no longer can expect interested seekers–yet most of our solutions for addressing this predicament link to anxiety around our performance and personality.
Dan White Jr., V3’s Movement Developer and Coach, addresses this reality in his new book, Subterranean. If you order now using the code “ROOTED” and you’ll receive a 40% discount!
In Dan’s new book, he doesn’t just bring up the problems. He poses meaningful, rooted questions:

  • Do we know how to be present in our neighborhoods?
  • Do we know how to be present in community?
  • Do we know how to be present to the in-breaking kingdom of God?

There is a growing groundswell discovering that we have become uprooted and detached from each other in the way we express being the church. We need a Subterranean movement that plunges below the surface into a way of being the people of God that carries an unwavering incarnational creed. Dan White Jr. uses crisp criticism, narrative theology, and tangible practices to uncover a hopeful pathway for being radically rooted in God’s world.


What People are Saying About Subterranean

“Dan White Jr. has penned a well-written, distinctly prophetic book on incarnational mission.  In it he boldly calls us to a life beyond our standard cultural obsessions and to a faithfulness that is rendered through rootedness, slow abiding, witness and humble service. Subterranean is a critical, hopeful and welcomed voice for the future of the church in the West.”

Alan Hirsch, Author, The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating the Missional Church

“For too long the church has caved in to the desires of world addicted to self-destructive speed and geopgraphic displacement. Bu no longer says Dan Jr. God is seeking to re-place his people, to invite us into the radical act of stopping in a never-ceasing world, to be deeply rooted, to be witnesses to a new way to be human if we truly surrendered to the way of Jesus. This inspiring and practical guide will help us all in the monumental endeavor.”

Michael Frost, Author, Incarnate: The Body of Christ in the an Age of Disengagment

“Want a sneak peak into the future of the Church in North America? Read this book! Better yet, want to join in this bold new future? Join with other and create local practices as inspired by this incredible resource. Rooted in courageous practice, Dan White Jr has written a pioneering, on the ground guide the pinpoints the cancerous defaults of the contemporary Church while also casting a moving vision for how we can all join in God’s abundant future.”

Tim Soerens, Co-Author, The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches are Transforming Mission

“The bias toward up is powerful in church culture. As leaders, we want to be up-and-comers and eventually at the top. If our grand vision isn’t realized, we give over to anxiety, pull up our stakes and move on. In this laser sharp book, Dan White Jr. makes an impassioned case for down. “Up-rootedness” extracts us, but “roodedness” —in community, in a place and in the unfolding work of God is the the truly radical trajectory fo the church. In our current times it’s difficult to imagine a more vital message than Subterranean.”

John Pattison, Co-Author, Slow Church: Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus

“When it comes to church, the rules have all changed and we’re searching for new ways to be the church. In Subterranean, Dan Jr. turns everything on its head. He exposes the contradictions in the ambitions of any Christian teacher, preacher or blogger who seeks to be the next great celebrated personality. We’ve become “up-rooted” in our leadership pursuits. Dan Jr. provides us with a radical pathway for being the rooted church, one that starts by submerging into community with each other, staying present in our neighborhoods. What makes Subterranean unique is its big imagination but also its real guidance with immersive tools for this task. Let Dan invite you into a new world where the incarnation of God in Christ becomes our daily orientation for being the church.”

David E. Fitch, Co-Author, Prodigal Christianity: 10 Signposts into the Missional Frontier

Order now with the code “ROOTED” and you will receive 40%!

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A Grassroots Church Planting Movement

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