A Leadership Perspective from Bed Bugs

It was the middle of the night when we discovered the creepy crawlers all over our pillows, a disturbing realization that my recent outbreak of hives was actually just a nightly encounter with bed bugs. Scrambling to sort out our options for extermination, I was hit with a strange mix of emotions. First, there was utter disgust at the thought …

Peaks and Valleys – A Core Leadership Team Exercise

Every Leadership Team experiences highs and lows, peaks and valleys. Peak: The day you host your first gathering! Valley: the first time someone leaves your community. Any time you gather a committed group of people you experience the pendulum of life, the best and hardest parts, together. This is the beauty of community and presents its own gifts and challenges …

How To Choose Leadership In Your Church

When forming a leadership team in your church, choose non-representative governance! WHAT??!! This statement may seem scandalous for those who live in a representative democracy, and certainly, most leadership teams combine members representing either departments (adults, children, worship, outreach, etc.) or segments of the congregation. Yet, in my book, Made to Flourish: Beyond Quick Fixes to a Thriving Organization, I …