Church Planters: What Would Help You Most in 2018?

At the V3 Movement, we’re committed to providing tangible resources that will help you make disciples, plant churches and start a movement.
These days, there is A LOT of Church Planting material out there.
It can feel like drinking out of a firehose.
The only problem is, some of it is better than others.
Some of it might not be bad—it’s just not for you!
In 2018, we’re committed to creating the blog posts, ebooks and webinars you can use in the mission God has given you.
How you ask?
Well, we need your help.
Will you help us create blog posts, ebooks and webinars that address your burning questions?
Please take five minutes to complete this short survey.
We’ll turn your questions into resources!

Take the Survey

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V3 Movement

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A Grassroots Church Planting Movement

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