How to Follow the Praxis Gathering This Week

After over a year of prayer and preparation, we’re just a few days away from kicking off The Praxis Gathering! We’re bringing together world-class missional practitioners, such as Don Coleman, Natasha Sistrunk Robinson, Soong-Chan Rah, David Fitch, Deb Hirsch, Mark Scandrette and many others to discuss what it means to be part of a movement that shapes disciples for Mission. …

v3 2016 promised land

The Real Reason We Don't Enter the Promised Land

“We must start with the basic fact that there is no such thing as a pure gospel if by that is meant something which is not embodied in a culture” declared Lesslie Newbigin decades ago. He continued by asserting, “Every interpretation of the gospel is embodied in some cultural form.” But for many in the church today, these cultural forms …